Montag, 16. April 2007

Meatloaf: Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are

The skies were pure and the fields were green
And the sun was brighter than it's ever been
When I grew up with my best friend Kenny
We were close as any brothers than you ever knew

It was always summer and the future called
We were ready for adventures and we wanted them all
And there was so much left to dream and so much time to make it real

But I can still recall the sting of all the tears when he was gone
They said he crashed and burned
I know I'll never learn why any boy should die so young

We were racing, we were soldiers of fortune
We got in trouble but we sure got around
There are times I think I see him peeling out of the dark
I think he's right behind me now and he's gaining ground

But it was long ago and it was far away, oh God it seems so very far
And if life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car
And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are

And when the sun descended and the night arose
I heard my father cursing everyone he knows
He was dangerous and drunk and defeated
And corroded by failure and envy and hate

There were endless winters and the dreams would freeze
Nowhere to hide and no leaves on the trees
And my father's eyes were blank as he hit me again and again and again

I know I still believe he'd never let me leave, I had to run away alone So
many threats and fears, so many wasted years before my life became my own

And though the nightmares should be over
Some of the terrors are still intact
I'll hear that ugly coarse and violent voice
And then he grabs me from behind and then he pulls me back


There was a beauty living on the edge of town
And she always put the top up and the hammer down
And she taught me everything I'll ever know
About the mystery and the muscle of love

The stars would glimmer and the moon would glow
I'm in the back seat with my Julie like a Romeo
And the signs along the highway all said, Caution! Kids At Play!

Those were the rights of spring and we did everything
There was salvation every night
We got our dreams reborn and our upholstery torn
But everything we tried was right

She used her body just like a bandage, she used my body just like a wound
I'll probably never know where she disappeared But I can see her rising up
out of the back seat now Just like an angel rising up from a tomb


Nein, ich bin jetzt kein Liedertexteblogger geworden, aber dieses Lied begleitet mich seit Kiel...

Bin wieder da

Die Woche in Kiel war eine sehr intensive Erfahrung, habe danach erstmal eine Regeneration gebraucht - gut war's aber auf jeden Fall...

Kiel ist jedenfalls auch eine schöne Stadt, wenn ich auch niht viel Zeit zum erkunden hatte, aber die Restaurants waren nicht schlecht. Und das Weltruf ist einfach klasse...

Herzlich Willkommen

Willkommen in meiner Blog. Bin inzwischen 42 Jahre alt und männlich. Von Beruf bin ich aber immer noch Arzt. Viel Spaß!!! Email: marbot at

Aktuelle Beiträge

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wie schön,
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Hehe ich liebe Limericks...
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Meine Kommentare

Jetzt muss ich doch noch...
Jetzt muss ich doch noch was schreiben. Nicht über...
nemetico - 17. Mai, 15:42
Sorry, aber ist nicht...
Sorry, aber ist nicht die Geschichte über den IWF-Direktor...
nemetico - 16. Mai, 22:27
marbot68 - 16. Mai, 10:44
Wie auch immer - so blöd,...
Wie auch immer - so blöd, dass sie laut verkünden,...
nemetico - 15. Mai, 19:50
Noch einer: /20110515/
nimmermehr - 15. Mai, 18:10
Ich muss immer an die...
Ich muss immer an die Armen Buddhisten denken, da landen...
help - 15. Mai, 16:06
Jetzt sind die Ostermärkte...
Jetzt sind die Ostermärkte auch vorbei...
luzie - 15. Mai, 15:54
Ende der Winterdepression,...
Ende der Winterdepression, es folgt die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit...
liesmicheinfach - 15. Mai, 12:54


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